Digital Photo Gallery

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Special Dawn Photo

Some of the best photographs are unplanned. I took this photo last August. I was just getting ready to go to work and snapped this photo with my Nikon D70. This was take free standing, full auto, in landscape mode, through the bedroom window. I still think it's one of the best shots I've even taken, despite the lack of planning. I had this one printed in a photo lab, in A3 and then framed. It looked fantastic! (I did crop out the power lines though :P )

Dawn over Wangi Wangi Bay, Lake Macquarie, looking across towards Belmont.

Monday, January 09, 2006

More New Year's Fireworks

I went back outside at midnight on New Year's Eve, waiting expectantly for more fireworks. I was pretty disappointed when they didn't have any midnight fireworks at Wangi Wangi. Anyway, I waited a bit and it seemed like everywhere else had a pretty good show. I managed to snap off a couple of shots of the fireworks that were going across the lake at Swansea. I'm definately going to get a good vantage point for those ones next year. Below is best of the few shots that were any good. This particular motar managed to clear the hill at Wangi Wangi quite nicely. Click on the image for a larger version.

DSC_1269_1024x658.jpg - Nikon D70, 3.0 seconds exposure, F4.14

New Year's Eve Fireworks 2005

We had prime seats for the 9pm fireworks - our front yard! The display was in Wangi Wangi Bay out the front of our house, so I got set up with my tripod and armed with a few hours of googling sites for the correct way to photograph fireworks. Here are a couple of the pictures that turned out reasonably well. These are of course scaled down as the originals were 3008 x 2000 pixels and about 2.5mb each.

DSC_1252_1024x680.jpg - Nikon D70, 2.5 seconds exposure, F4.44

DSC_1241_1024x681.jpg - Nikon D70, 3.0 seconds exposure, F4.14


I am learning how to photograph storms and fireworks.
Here is my first decent photo of lightning. This was taken using a Nikon D-70 with a 3 second exposure using a circular polarised filter. I have since learnt that this is not the correct way to do it, but I still think it looks pretty good. These strikes hit simultaneously. The camera was sitting on my desk (no tripod at that time!) pointing from my place at Arcadia Vale, slightly to the south east of Wangi Wangi.

First Post!

Yay, I finally got the first post somewhere!
This blog will be about whatever takes my fancy, however, I think it will mostly be to do with digital photography, a little digital art and some bits on video editing and TV (DVB-T) capture.