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Monday, January 09, 2006

More New Year's Fireworks

I went back outside at midnight on New Year's Eve, waiting expectantly for more fireworks. I was pretty disappointed when they didn't have any midnight fireworks at Wangi Wangi. Anyway, I waited a bit and it seemed like everywhere else had a pretty good show. I managed to snap off a couple of shots of the fireworks that were going across the lake at Swansea. I'm definately going to get a good vantage point for those ones next year. Below is best of the few shots that were any good. This particular motar managed to clear the hill at Wangi Wangi quite nicely. Click on the image for a larger version.

DSC_1269_1024x658.jpg - Nikon D70, 3.0 seconds exposure, F4.14


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